Butterflies… one of my favorite parts of summertime! I have a monarch butterfly garden, and over the years, my daughters and I have observed high numbers of eggs hatched, caterpillars munching, chrysalises transforming, and butterflies emerging as new creatures. Hundreds of beautiful monarch butterflies have visited our garden, and hundreds more have spread their wings for the very first time into the sky above our home. What began as a homeschool project for my now college-aged daughter: has now become a cherished hobby, and a reminder of how God provides for even the little caterpillars in my garden. The transition of butterflies bears the mark of our marvelous Creator, and their metamorphosis is truly magical to witness.

The monarch’s life moves from stage to stage quickly. From the petite white egg found under the leaves of the milkweed plant, to a tiny caterpillar… the journey these creatures take from one form to the next captivates many nature lovers. The young caterpillar sheds its skin several times, allowing it to grow by leaps and bounds, munching on leaves every moment it is awake. In fact, you can hear them biting into the leaves when there are several together on one plant. The large caterpillar then climbs to a safe and high spot, curves into a J formation, and takes time prepping for the final stage, the chrysalis. The green chrysalis forms incredibly fast, but I’ve had the great fortune to witness it a handful of times. The black and yellow striped caterpillar reconstructs into a compact, vivid green capsule with golden flecks. I’ve often thought “monarch” is so fitting at this point, because when the sun hits just right, the gold flickers as if on display on a crown fit for a queen. Inside this green capsule, the caterpillar becomes a liquid substance. No longer a caterpillar, and not yet a butterfly, God makes a completely new creature at this stage.

A popular quote:
“Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that too.”
If you research the question of whether butterflies can actually see their wings or not ~ you will find different hypotheses. Whether or not their field of vision allows a butterfly to see the designs on the underside of their wings, I still appreciate this concept. We can be certain they finish their short lives without ever seeing the back of their wings, yet we, their observers, are mesmerized by the vivid colors and patterns as they flutter past us.
In the same way, when we are living for Jesus, mirroring His example, the way we love those around us; it’s as if God has left His design on wings that we are unable to see, but those around us can. What do our “wings” look like if we are imitating Christ? We read in Galatians that the fruit of the spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Gal. 5:22-23). Jesus, the ultimate example of the fruit of the spirit displayed the highest form of love and sacrifice ~ while bearing the excruciating burden of sin on the cross, (so that we might have the hope of heaven with Him)… Jesus asked that God would be merciful on His oppressors, in the moment of His oppression. “Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing,” (Luke 23:34).
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17
It is because of the love of Christ, and baptism in the name of Jesus that we are able to go through our own metamorphosis. We emerge changed, forgiven, and a child of God. When we endure difficulties, we recognize glimmers of gold thread that God weaves into our timeline, like the gold He paints on the gilded chrysalis. These golden memories of His blessings are evidence that our Father cares… which in the tapestry of our life are woven amid the challenges that allowed opportunity for spiritual growth.
When I consider my favorite people: their dedication to Christ is evident in how they live, how they spend their time, and the ways they serve. However, these people seem unaware of the great impact they make, just as the butterflies are oblivious to the beauty of their wings. They are humble ~ not self-important, but oh, how their “wings” shimmer with the fruit of the spirit!
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
~ John 13:34-35
Just as monarch butterflies bear the mark of our Father in heaven, may the love of Jesus thrive in each of us and radiate out to those around us, as we do the will of the Father. Following Jesus and loving one another will ensure that our “wings” bear His mark ~ and lead others to follow Christ’s footsteps as together we make our own sojourn to heaven!

What a beautiful accounting!