In the medical world, we are familiar with the term “Secondary Infection,” which is an infection that develops as a result of the primary illness. When I had Covid, I developed Pneumonia ~ which was the secondary infection. Without Covid, Pneumonia wouldn’t have occurred. In my case, the secondary infection was much worse than the primary virus.
We see this happen in other ways in our lives. Perhaps someone is driving along and the person behind them rear-ends them, causing them to hit the car in front of them. They didn’t cause the initial auto accident, but because of the force behind them, their car hit another car. Like the example above, there wouldn’t have been an accident without the primary collision.
A “Secondary Infection of the Heart” can refer to the struggle we have when someone “collides” into us. Perhaps this collision is due to someone else’s life choice, completely outside of our control. For instance, children whose parents have decided to divorce ~ deal with trials they had no responsibility in, yet they are presented with extreme challenges… sometimes for years.
I’ve noticed that reactions to this type of pain vary. Some children grow up wounded, hurting, and then as adults fulfill the unfortunate saying “hurt people hurt people.” Others react differently. They grow up with a life purpose of bringing more healing than hurt… hoping to break the cycle from their past, rather than repaying evil for evil.
Our ultimate example of how to react to life collisions:
Jesus Christ.
Let’s recall how He was treated:
Trial: Rejection
When Jesus visited his hometown and was rejected by those who knew Him (they took offense at Him), He said “Only in His hometown and in His own household is a prophet without honor.” (Matt. 13:57).
His response:
He did not perform miracles there, but continued traveling, teaching, healing, saving.
Trial: Betrayal and Deep Sorrow
In the Garden of Gethsemane moments away from betrayal from a friend, Jesus felt anxiety and deep sorrow. He knew that this betrayal meant suffering and pain beyond imagining ~ and that it was all part of the plan to save us.
His response:
He prayed and submitted to God.
“And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, He began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then He said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with Me.” And going a little farther He fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” (Matt 26:37-39)
Trial: The Cross
Jesus was brutally tortured, mocked, and crucified.
His response:
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
Whether the life collision that presents this “Secondary Infection of the Heart” is a one-time occurrence that requires self-control and instant forgiveness, or a continual drip of unprovoked drama, we must be prepared to handle those around us with grace, mercy, and patience… with the steadfast love of Jesus. We see that when people rejected Jesus, He stayed the course to find those who would listen. Jesus knew when He was about to be betrayed, yet He asked His friends to stay by Him as He prayed to the Father for comfort and guidance. He was beaten and crucified, yet *in the moment,* He asked God to forgive those who were responsible for His suffering.
It is better to let the peace of Jesus rule my heart, then to allow my emotions to lead me away from Him. No matter what happens in this life, may we always be women of God’s Own Heart, not allowing a “Secondary Infection of the Heart” to lead us away from living a life projecting the Light of Jesus.
To tears and pricking of my heart, CHRIST through your words lead me. What powerful and true words you have written. Please pray for me as I seek the peace HE offers and not be lead away by the emotional responses of the secondary infection. Such an amazing analogy that helps us see to our core reaction. Then you showed me how to see what CHRIST’s reaction would be and how to follow it!!!! Thank you!
I pray the LORD bless you and continue to shower your with HIS goodness, for you are a daughter of HIS and such an example of HIS grace and goodness!