This morning, as I drove my youngest daughter to school, she made a comment that I hope I never forget. I had been asking her a few questions, like: “Did you sleep well?” “Is your toast yummy?” “Are you excited today is Fri-yay?” On our drive to school, after sitting quietly in the backseat she exclaimed, “Wow! So many goods this morning!!” She was excited by all of those simple blessings.
We have a great opportunity given to us by God: living a life of thanksgiving. If I am not purposeful in this, I might miss the praise-worthy found in the ordinary moments. We often see in other’s lives the things they have that perhaps we are missing… but it can be more of a challenge to recognize our own abundance of blessings.
I remember one of the first times I met Jesse’s parents. Fall of 1999, I visited their home to record a song with my new friend Jesse, and felt their immediate warm welcome and godliness. Not long after that, I remember asking him, “Do you know what you have??” Not having a close relationship with my own father, and coming from a broken home, I could see clearly the wealth of blessings there.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17
Do You Know What You Have?
- If you love the Lord and walk in the light?
- Praise God for Jesus and the hope of heaven, and serve as a beacon to those who need Him.
- If you have family who loves you?
- Praise God and look out for those who feel rejected.
- If you have friends who are even closer than some family?
- Help them and together thank God for support and His plan for a spiritual family.
- If you have been given an abundance financially?
- Thank God that you can participate in helping those in need.
- If you have been blessed with time?
- Praise God and find someone who needs you.
- If you’re blessed with an extroverted personality?
- Thank God and reach out to as many as you can in His name.
- If you’re blessed with an introverted personality?
- Praise Him for creating you as you are and perhaps help someone one-on-one.
- If you’ve suffered through significant trials?
- Praise God for the loving connection from Him, and the life-lessons He imprinted on your heart. Then find someone to help in their time of need!
- If you see someone rich in blessings?
- Thank God for providing for them, and share with them what you see! We don’t always see our own blessings.
You may have noticed a secondary theme here? We are blessed by sharing with others. Thankfully, this life is not about me. It’s about you, and all those around us. It’s about searching and rescuing so that no one is lost, but all are brought to Christ.
Praising God, seeking out the gemstone blessings in an imperfect world, and helping others along the way will certainly help me see the world as my young daughter sees it: “Wow! So many goods!” What a perfect lesson for me, to allow those “good” things that are given to me from our Father in heaven to accumulate and rejoice in them.
You are the frosting on the cake of our life.
Beautifully said my dear! Keep spreading God’s word in your writing, you have been given a gift.
Thank you for your kind comments. God is so good!