Growing in Grace and Knowledge


Photo on 7-15-15 at 1.58 PM

Another article by my young writer:

Hi, my name is Jade.  This article is about making good or bad choices in life.  In the book of Jonah, it talks about Jonah and the great fish.  He chose not to go to Ninevah because he heard some bad things about it.  Instead he found a ship going to Tarshish.  God sent a terrible storm.  Jonah wanted to fix his bad choice.  So he jumped off the boat and a great big fish swallowed him.  Jonah wanted to let God know that he was sorry for not obeying Him.  God let the fish spit him out.

This story applies to our every day life.  We should always follow God’s word.  If you had a choice of going to a sports practice or church (and I think we know what the good choice is here) go to church!  You don’t want to miss out on something special.

There are hard decisions and if you have a hard time, please pray and involve God.


3 thoughts on “Choices

  1. Wow, Jade! These are such good thoughts. Thank you for the reminder. I will have Elijah read this!

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