Healthy, Happy Life

Move It! Challenge

Two weeks down!  Dessert free week and no (processed) snacks week are complete.  If you’ve never tried to completely abstain from junk food, I highly recommend it.  Even if for only 7 days.  You’ll learn a lot about yourself and the vast difference between processed (junk) and the foods God created to work within the intricately woven system we call the human body.

Grab a friend, commit to a challenge, and wait for the blessings to follow.  You will find that you are not powerless against cravings, there is no real power in food, and that watermelon is much more delicious than Oreos.  Ok… the last one was my opinion.  But I stand by it.

This week, I’m going to commit to “Move It” Monday through Friday for 30 minutes a day.  Join me!  If you are like me, someone who desires to exercise regularly but lets life get in the way, just commit to 5 days this week.  A walk around the block, a yoga session, a bike ride, whatever you enjoy… just get moving.  While you’re at it, grab a friend or get your family involved!  Not only will you lower blood pressure, rev up metabolism, and lift your mood; you’ll start that wonderful chain reaction in someone you love.

A big thanks to those who have contacted me throughout these two weeks.  You are all inspiring.  I love to see people motivated to change for the better.

We are not striving for perfection here.  Simply living with purpose.

6 thoughts on “Move It! Challenge

  1. I am in! This is a challenge for me because so often other things get in the way. Thanks for the encouragement. Looking forward to an active week.

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