Healthy, Happy Life

Snack Challenge

Week one is behind us! The (no) dessert challenge proved to be just that – a true challenge. I’ve enjoyed the feedback and encouragement from all of you. Way to go, everyone! Each day brought both positive and negative side effects, but for me: the most satisfying and exciting reward is the knowledge that self control can trump unhealthy cravings.

Thankfully, I was far from alone. I highly recommend having a mentor and friend by your side. I was blessed to have both of these. My friend Sarah had already been through this (times ten since she eliminated much more than sugar on her Whole 30 journey), my daughter was my in-house companion, and my cousin Heidi made the brave commitment with me for the week, and also signed on for week two. We shared our highs and lows and cheered each other on throughout the week.

I am now free of headaches and lethargy. My energy is back, and as my daughter reported, I too feel much braver. I love the way she worded that. I realized it was a perfect way to describe the new energy and positive outlook that accompanies clearing out sugar. I’m looking forward to my dessert-free future, thankful to be past the hurdles of sugar addiction. I’d much rather enjoy an occasional treat than be tied down to something that literally hurts me when I overindulge.

This week, while I continue to leave dessert on the shelf, I’ll be focusing on replacing chips and pretzels with whole foods. To help the transition go smoothly, I’ll be planning ahead to ensure my meals are full of satisfying, tasty, fiber-filled ingredients. The plan is to use the whole foods God provided so I no longer need the junk in-between meals. So brown rice, quinoa, lentils, and beans will be in the spotlight.

Click here to read a really interesting article about a mindset America has adopted toward snacking and the toll it’s taking on our children (and I believe on ourselves, myself included).

~ How did week one go for those of you who joined us? Leave a comment and let us know what your experiences were.
~ If you haven’t started your own challenge, remember: It’s never too late to make a positive change.
* Tip: Drink lots of water, and enjoy the journey!

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