Healthy, Happy Life

Dessert Challenge


My oldest daughter is joining me on a Dessert Free Challenge this week. A close friend of mine inspired me by trying the Whole 30 Program.

If you haven’t heard of Whole 30, the purpose is to encourage a healthier relationship with food and break addictions. Foods off-limit include sugar, grains, legumes, and dairy.

I have noticed in the past that dessert (not fruit) drags me down. Physically, emotionally at times, yet I continued to indulge. So, with a little trepidation, I decided to slash desserts from my diet for a week. Other dietary changes have served me so well, but this one has become an addiction.

One day down, six days to go. I admitted to my friend yesterday that I thought about dessert constantly. At the end of the day I was so happy to be at the finish line. I highly recommend having a cheerleader/accountability partner if you want to stay honest, whatever challenge you’re up against in life. I’m even more excited to have a buddy here in my house willing to try this with me. My daughter is amazing.

My question to you:

Do you have a weak area in your nutritional plan? A weakness or addiction that does not serve you well?

Commit to a week. Confide in a friend, and go for it. Small changes add up! Success is a wonderful thing. You can do it!

4 thoughts on “Dessert Challenge

  1. Oh, Jenn, I don’t want to give up dessert! But I have noticed that I hold the kids to one piece of [pie, cake, whatever] then eat the rest of the whole pan after they go to bed. Oh, boy. Or I eat SO healthy (kale, chicken breast, ground flax, whatever) and then eat an entire pound bag of M&Ms in two days. It’s like you can’t stop once you have a bite! I am going to think about the challenge a couple of days……..

    1. Yes, Gretchen! I relate to this!! Day three is looking a lot better than day one 🙂 I asked Jade if she can tell a difference and she said, “I feel happier.” So interesting!

  2. How are you and your cute dessert free buddy doing? You over half way there now! I’m working on cutting sugar out of my diet. Didn’t make it all week but maybe next week I will.

    1. Doing well! It has been a real challenge 🙂 in every sense. One day to go, but of course my hope is to continue this for weeks or even months. So proud of you!!

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